Northstar-Logo JpegAttorney Christopher J. Cadem has been named a North Star Lawyer by the Minnesota State Bar Association. To be named a North Star Lawyer, an attorney must provide at least 50 hours of of pro bono (low or no-cost) legal services to low income people and/or non-profit organizations. Mr....
Penalties for DWI Increase Dramatically Statewide
In August 2015, the alcohol content for a gross misdemeanor DWI will be lowered from .20 to .16. Attorney Christopher Cadem commented: “In my experience, this will dramatically affect a large number of the DWI cases I litigate. It is quite common for my clients to have an alcohol content...
Cadem and Burghart File Appeal in Child Welfare Case
On July 2, 2015, attorneys Cadem and Burghart filed an appeal in the case of In the Matter of the Welfare of the Child of: M.P.J. and J.J. Issues raised on appeal include whether the District Court erred by placing the child in non-relative foster care despite the availability of...
Family Law: Legal Custody
Custody in Minnesota is distinguished by two distinct types: both legal custody and physical custody. It is important that the two are looked at and considered separately. A parent having legal custody, means that they have the right to determine the child’s “upbringing, including education, health care, and religious training.”...
Congratulations to Chrisopher J. Cadem, Up & Coming Attorney
Christopher J. Cadem was recognized at the Hyatt in Minneapolis on September 10th, 2015, by Minnesota Lawyer magazine as a 2015 Up & Coming Attorney. Each year Minnesota Lawyer magazine recognizes a small group of new attorneys “off to a fast start in their legal career.” The Up & Coming...
Family Law: School Choice
As summer comes to a close, family law attorneys and judges are inundated with issues surrounding school choice. Unfortunately, many of these disputes between parents are brought to the courts attention at the last minute leaving uncertainty for many families and school districts. Parents who share joint legal custody must...